Accessibility information for Brend Hotels
In order to help you choose the Brend Hotel that is right for you, this page provides links to the Accessibility Statements for all of our luxury hotels in Devon and Cornwall.
We want to ensure that all of our guests have a stay with us that is comfortable, enjoyable and memorable. You will find that a number of our hotels have adapted rooms and easy access rooms which include wheelchair accessible bathrooms.
We have tried to be as thorough as possible in our accessibility information, but if you need any further details or have any specific questions, then please contact us and we will be pleased to assist you. You can find the contact information for each hotel in their accessibility statements below, or feel free to call us on 01271 340 000.
We also welcome any suggestions that our guests have which would make their time with us more enjoyable.
Hotel Accessibility statements
(Please click on the hotel to link to their individual accessibility details.)
North Devon Hotels
The Royal & Fortescue Hotel, Barnstaple
The Barnstaple Hotel, Barnstaple
The Imperial Hotel, Barnstaple
The Saunton Sands Hotel, Saunton
South Devon Hotels
Cornwall Hotels